Alsace-Lorraine Genealogy Feed

Was Your Ancestor an Internal Refugee in France?

We recently attended a most interesting talk, hosted by one of those highly recommended local history associations. The presenters were François and Catherine Schunck, who spoke about the internal refugees who fled Alsace at the beginning of World War Two.... Read more →

French Jewish Genealogy - Ancien régime Geography Is Important

When researching Jewish genealogy before the French Revolution, the reach back into the past is long, well into the Medieval era. Borders were different then and France looked quite different, not at all like the "Hexagon" (above) of today. Prior... Read more →

Do You Dare to Try to Research Your Alsace Ancestors Online - in French?

We have had a missive from Christine and Laure, who write the wonderful blog Généalogie Alsace. They have put together a brief series of instructional posts for those who live far from that pretty region of France and must research... Read more →

Amodiateur, Amodiataire, Amodieur, Amodiatrice, Admodiateur

Our previous post, on the Ferme générale, brought this query from Monsieur B: Thank you for the treasure trove of genealogical information in your scholarly article “Was Your Ancestor an Employee of the Ferme Générale?”. My ancestor.... from Moselle, was... Read more →

Finding Early French Mennonites of Vosges and Haut-Rhin

As those of you who have worked on this group will know already, this is a difficult patch of research territory. Briefly, because of their beliefs, their language differences (generally, they spoke German rather than French), and their separateness from... Read more →

The Municipal Archives of Colmar, un vrai cauchemar

Well, Dear Readers, we may have met our match, being the staff of an archive facility to dampen our enthusiasm. We sauntered in to the Archives municipales de Colmar on a cold and sunny Monday afternoon. The reading room was... Read more →

The Sad Archives Municipales of Epinal

This has to be one of the saddest and most neglected of all the archives facilities we ever have visited. It is clear that municipal archives have not yet landed on France’s golden list of improvement projects. A dozen cities... Read more →