The Republican Calendar in German...and Dutch
10 March 2017
For those researching the civil registrations for their ancestors in German-speaking towns within France during the years when the Republican Calendar was in effect (1792-1806), understanding the months can be a bit of torture. So, we thought to share this nifty translated list that we have found:
Republican Calendar German month name
Vendémiaire Weinmonat
Brumaire Nebelmonat
Frimaire Reifmonat
Nivôse Schneemonat
Pluviôse Regenmonat
Ventôse Windmonat
Germinal Keimmonat
Floréal Blütenmonat
Prairial Weisenmonat
Messidor Erntemonat
Thermidor Hitzemonat
Fructidor Fruchtmonat
Short and sweet today, but useful, we hope!
En plus:
FGB Reader, Monsieur V has very kindly sent this:
Here are the names for your Dutch readers:
Autumn: Wijnmaand, Mistmaand, Koudemaand
Winter: Sneeuwmaand, Regenmaand, Windmaand
Spring: Kiemmaand, Bloemmaand. Weidemaand
Summer: Oogstmaand, Hittemaand, Fruitmaand
©2017 Anne Morddel
French Genealogy